miércoles, 29 de enero de 2020

Oral Exposition UDI 4 3º Ciclo

Endangered Animals Exposition

Hello, how are you? My name is PEPITO FLORES, and they are my favorite endangered animals.
This is the PANDA BEAR, they can climb, they can eat and they can sleep.
But they can't run, they can't fly and they can't hunt.

(ADD other animal) 
Goodbye, thanks for your attention.

martes, 14 de enero de 2020

Structures UDI 4 (Can)

Structures UDI 4: CAN

  • CAN
Tigers CAN climb
Crocodiles CAN swim

  • CAN'T
Monkeys CAN'T fly
Hippos CAN'T jump

  • CAN…?
    CAN rhinos SLYTHER? Yes, they can/No, they can't
    CAN salamanders FLY? No, they can't


  • Fish in danger of extintion: European Eel

  • Endangered fish

Reptiles, Amphibians, mammals, birds

Fichas Interactivas 5º

  https://es.liveworksheets.com/jg3059204gn https://es.liveworksheets.com/ir2861569yo