jueves, 4 de abril de 2019

Oral Exposition (UDI 6 Animals)

Oral Exposition (UDI 6 Animals)
1.- Greetings and Introduce yourself (The same)

Hello! Good morning! I'm/ I am / My name is FRAN. ( I'm a fifth grade student)

2. Introduce your Talk (Topic)

  • I'm going to talk about… some of my favorite animals.
Farm and wild animals and what they can do.
  • Do you know…?

3. Main Body (part)

    This is a Tiger and they can run but they can't fly. Bat can fly but they can stomp….

4. Farewells (DESPEDIDA) and say thank you

. Goodbye, Thanks for your attention. See you soon!

(Invite to questions) Have you got any questions?

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